Our Self: Um blogue desalinhado, desconforme, herético e heterodoxo. Em suma, fora do baralho e (im)pertinente.
Lema: A verdade é como o azeite, precisa de um pouco de vinagre.
Pensamento em curso: «Em Portugal, a liberdade é muito difícil, sobretudo porque não temos liberais. Temos libertinos, demagogos ou ultramontanos de todas as cores, mas pessoas que compreendam a dimensão profunda da liberdade já reparei que há muito poucas.» (António Alçada Baptista, em carta a Marcelo Caetano)
The Second Coming: «The best lack all conviction, while the worst; Are full of passionate intensity» (W. B. Yeats)


If it was to impress the world and frighten the neighborhood, so far it's not working

Mariupol - one of the great successes of  denazification and demilitarization

Documenting Equipment Losses During The 2022 Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

Russia - 2897, of which: destroyed: 1545, damaged: 44, abandoned: 237, captured: 1071
Tanks (507, of which destroyed: 257, damaged: 9, abandoned: 40, captured: 201)
Armoured Fighting Vehicles (264, of which destroyed: 129, abandoned: 29, captured: 106)
Aircraft (20, of which destroyed: 19, damaged: 1)
Helicopters (32, of which destroyed: 28, damaged: 2, abandoned: 1, captured: 1)
Naval Ships (4, of which destroyed: 2, damaged: 2)
Logistics Trains (2, of which destroyed: 2)

Ukraine - 789, of which: destroyed: 365, damaged: 23, abandoned: 35, captured: 366
Tanks (112, of which destroyed: 44, damaged: 1, abandoned: 9, captured: 58)
Armoured Fighting Vehicles (74, of which destroyed: 28, abandoned: 4, captured: 43)
Aircraft (17, of which destroyed: 16, damaged: 1)
Helicopters (3, of which destroyed: 2, captured: 1)
Naval Ships (14, of which destroyed: 2, damaged: 1, captured: 11)

Source: Oryx, as of April, 15

Sunk Thursday (they called a Ukrainian missile onboard fire))

40 dead Russian high-ranking officers, as of April, 15.

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