Our Self: Um blogue desalinhado, desconforme, herético e heterodoxo. Em suma, fora do baralho e (im)pertinente.
Lema: A verdade é como o azeite, precisa de um pouco de vinagre.
Pensamento em curso: «Em Portugal, a liberdade é muito difícil, sobretudo porque não temos liberais. Temos libertinos, demagogos ou ultramontanos de todas as cores, mas pessoas que compreendam a dimensão profunda da liberdade já reparei que há muito poucas.» (António Alçada Baptista, em carta a Marcelo Caetano)
The Second Coming: «The best lack all conviction, while the worst; Are full of passionate intensity» (W. B. Yeats)


Is Trumpism letting Trump down? Not despite Trump's intervention, but because of it

Continuation from here, there, there and there.

«Despite an eleventh-hour intervention from former president Donald Trump encouraging Republicans to rally around McCarthy, 20 Republicans voted against him in a fifth ballot, depriving him once again of the simple majority required to take hold of the Speaker’s gavel.» (Financial Times)

For the first time in 100 years, since 1923 when Republican Frederick Gillett had to wait nine rounds to be elected, the majority party in the House of Representatives did not fail to elect its speaker.

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