«Several Georgian state computer servers have been under external control since shortly before Russia's armed intervention into the state commenced on Friday, leaving its online presence in dissaray.
While the official website of Mikheil Saakashvili, the Georgian President, has become available again, the central government site, as well as the homepages for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence , remain down. Some commercial websites have also been hijacked.
The Georgian Government said that the disruption was caused by attacks carried out by Russia as part of the ongoing conflict between the two states over the Georgian province of South Ossetia.» (ver mais aqui)

Imaginaria Ioseb Besarionis Dze Jughashvili,
petit nom Josef Stalin, criador do NKVD, a que sucedeu o KGB, a que sucedeu o FSB, já sob a batura do czar Putin, imaginaria Estaline que os seus herdeiros no comando do que resta do império soviético bombardeariam virtualmente os
sites da sua pátria Geórgia? Isso nunca viremos a saber, mas podemos apostar com segurança que não hesitaria em bombardear de facto os sítios físicos da sua pátria, se tal fosse necessário para perpetuar o seu poder e da clique que o sustentava.
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