«Given that natural selection’s pressure is reduced after humans have procreated, it seems less likely to operate on the genetic underpinnings of all that joint-creaking and skin-wrinkling. But the researchers showed mathematically that, even if natural selection against such traits were perfect, cellular competition would still cause problems associated with ageing. If a cell acted only to maximise its utility to the whole organism, it would eventually lose out to more individually competitive cells. If instead it maximised its own vigour, out-competing surrounding cells useful to the wider organism, that is pretty much the definition of cancer.»Más notícias para os muitos Peter Pan que procuram o elixir da eterna juventude e ainda arriscam a ganhar um carcinoma. Crescei e ganhai juízo.
Boas notícias para a humanidade em geral que não tem de aturar por 969 anos Trotsky, Lenine, Mussolini, Hitler, Estaline, Mao, Chavéz, Castro e outros da mesma extracção.
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