
How the Radical Left Conquered Almost Everything for a Time (XI)

(Continued from I, II, III, IV, V, VI , VII, VIII, IX e X)
With these examples of neo-Marxism in institutions extracted from Christopher Rufo's book, I end this series of posts.

«And the leading actors are well compensated. After their summer of revolution, Black Lives Matter cofounder Patrisse Cullors signed an entertainment deal with Warner Bros. and spent $3.2 million on four high-end homes across the country. The other cofounders, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi, signed entertainment deals with marquee Hollywood talent agencies and the group secretly bought a $6 million mansion in Southern California. Meanwhile, their organization descended into outright graft: one leader allegedly stole $10 million in donations. Others transferred millions to family members through shadowy consulting firms and nonprofit entities. Massive sums of money went missing altogether. 

BLM activists were never a threat to capitalism - they were its beneficiaries. The wave of chaos they unleashed was never a viable path to liberation; it was an accelerant for destruction. »

I have used the term neo-Marxism to characterize the ideological hodgepodge that supports critical race theory and the other woke bullshit. Which is obviously debatable. Christopher Rufo, the author of the book, in a recent debate published in The Free Press addressed the characterization of these movements in the following terms:

«I personally don’t use the term cultural Marxist that Yascha has done. I don’t do so in the book, although I think that the basic concept, if we leave the moniker aside, is that Marxism—the basic categorical distinctions—moved away from a purely orthodox materialist science or material determinism toward entities of culture, family, law, in a kind of Gramscian direction. [Herbert] Marcuse was a Marxist, and he was the most influential philosophical figure of the New Left, which is the prototype of the radical left we see today.

His doctoral student, Angela Davis, was a member of the Communist Party, is a devoted Marxist, and really took the Marxist tradition and applied it to racial categories. Then within academia, most notably her long career at UC–Santa Barbara, and then her mentees, the third generation, were the founders of Black Lives Matter. They said themselves, “we are trained Marxists.” If you read a law review article written by one of the BLM founders, if you listen to their interviews and speeches, and then if you listen to their interviews with Angela Davis, they make very clear: “we are mobilizing along racial lines. We think that that’s the best rhetorical approach to score political victories. But the ultimate goal is the abolition of capitalism.” And you see this absolutely everywhere: in training programs and academic work, and even critical race theory.»

1 comentário:

  1. É incrível, o fulano quase pede desculpa por chamar marxista aos marxistas!

    A Escola de Francoforte já fez mais de um século, mas ainda há quem tenha MEDO de admitir que o marxismo cultural é tão ou mais marxista do que o marxismo original!

    Depois admiram-se que a Esquerda mande em (quase) tudo...
