
How the Radical Left Conquered Almost Everything for a Time (IX)

(Continued from IIIIII, IVVVI , VII, VIII)
More examples picked up from those described by Christopher Rufo of neo-Marxism in institutions controlled by the clique of believers.

«The third commandment of the new abolitionists is to "abolish the courts." In simple terms, the modem revolutionaries want to destroy the existing conception of "justice" and replace it with a new regime of "social justice." 

ln the historical imagination of the radical Left, American courts are not the impartial and public forum described in the Sixth Amendment, but an extension of a brutal, racist, and punitive state apparatus. ln Seattle, activists have long sought to limit the scope and authority of the municipal courts.  (…) 

However, with the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement providing an even more favorable political ground, the activist coalition mobilized even more favorable political ground, the activist coalition mobilized behind a much more ambitious agenda: abolishing the municipal court altogether and transferring authority to a shadow court system administered by ideological aligned nonprofit organizations such as Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion or LEAD, which provides “crisis response, immediate psychological assessment, and long term wrap- around   services including substance use disorder treatment and housing” – that is, an effort to replace the punitive state with a therapeutic process. (…)

This vacuum of legitimate authority, how-ever, did not last. 

Within days of the People's Assembly, the most heavily armed and aggressive factions in the CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone created by groups or armed men associated with Antifa) started to exert dominance over the neighborhood and became the de facto police power. (…) 

Then the killings began. The first homicide victim was killed in an outburst of gang violence. The second, who was reportedly unarmed and joyriding in a stolen car, was gunned down by CHAZ paramilitary forces. ln the autonomous zone's brief history of independence, there were two murders, four additional shootings, and an overall homicide rate that turned out to be nearly fifty times greater than the city of Chicago's. ln a cruel irony, all of the identified victims were black men - precisely the demographic for whom Black Lives Matter and the leaders of the CHAZ had claimed to offer protection.» 

(To be continued)

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