
NÓS VISTOS POR ELES: Um Tribunal Constitucional quase comunista

«The court is a thorn in the side of both the government and Brussels and is perceived as almost communist by the markets,” says Mr Rahman. “It’s no exaggeration to say it’s the biggest impediment to the country’s clean exit from the bailout.

In an internal EU briefing document leaked to the Portuguese media, Commission officials in Lisbon wrote this month that “political activism” by the court “could have very heavy consequences”, potentially leading to a second rescue programme and entailing “serious economic and social costs”.»

«Portugal’s constitutional court threatens country’s bailout», no Financial Times

Ouvem-se os gritos de indignação, vêem-se as vestes a serem rasgadas, escutam-se as carpideiras, enfim toda aquela gente de quem durante mais de uma década não se ouviu um grito, não se viu uma peça de roupa a ser rasgada e não se escutaram os lamentos.

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