
DIÁRIO DE BORDO: a maiêutica do aborto (12)

«Concorda com a despenalização da interrupção voluntária da gravidez, se realizada, por opção da mulher, nas primeiras 10 semanas, em estabelecimento de saúde legalmente autorizado?» (Resolução da Assembleia da República n.º 54-A/2006)

Interrupção voluntária da gravidez? Como escreveu não lembro quem, não é interrupção. É terminação. E se estamos a falar de aborto, porque não pôr os nomes aos bois?

Nas primeiras 10 semanas? A contar de quê? Da queca? Da fertilização? Da implantação uterina?

O que se passa nas primeiras 10 semanas (de gravidez)?

Week 1 (3rd week of pregnancy)
Fertilization of the ovum to form a zygote which undergoes mitotic cellular division, but does not increase in size. A hollow cavity forms marking the blastocyst stage. The blastocyst contains only a thin rim of trophoblast cells and a clump of cells at one end known as the "embryonic pole" which include embryonic stem cells. The blastocyst hatches from its protein shell (zona pellucida) and implants onto the endometrial lining of the mother's uterus. If the zygote is going to separate into identical twins, 1/3 of the time it will happen before day 5.

Week 2 (4th week of pregnancy)
Trophoblast cells surrounding the embryonic cells proliferate and invade deeper into the uterine lining. They will eventually form the placenta and embryonic membranes. Formation of the yolk sac.
The embryonic cells flatten into a disk, two-cells thick. If the zygote is going to separate into identical twins, 2/3 of the time it will happen between days 5 and 9. If it happens after day 9, there is a significant risk of the twins being

Week 3 (5th week of pregnancy - first missed menstrual period)
A notochord forms in the center of the embryonic disk. A neural groove (future spinal cord) forms over the notochord with a brain bulge at one end. Heart tubes begin to fuse.

Week 4 (6th week of pregnancy)
The embryo measures 4 mm (1/8 inch) in length and begins to curve into a C shape. Somites, the divisions of the future vertebra, form. The heart bulges, further develops, and begins to beat in a regular rhythm.
Branchial arches, grooves which will form structures of the
face and neck, form. The neural tube closes.
ears begin to form as otic pits. Arm buds and a tail are visible.

Week 5 (7th week of pregnancy)
The embryo measures 8 mm (1/4 inch) in length. Lens pits and optic cups form the start of the developing eye. A primitive mouth and nasal pits form. The brain divides into 5 vesicles, including the early telencephalon. Leg buds form and hands form as flat paddles on the arms. Rudimentary blood moves through primitive vessels connecting to the yolk sac and chorionic membranes.

Week 6 (8th week of pregnancy)
The embryo measures 13 mm (1/2 inch) in length. Lungs begin to form. The brain continues to develop.
Arms and legs have lengthened with
foot and hand areas distinguishable. The hands and feet have digits, but may still be webbed.

Week 7 (9th week of pregnancy)
The embryo measures 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length. Nipples and hair follicles begin to form.
Location of the
elbows and toes are visible. Spontaneous limb movements may be detected by ultrasound.
All essential
organs have at least begun formation.

Week 8 (10th week of pregnancy)
Embryo measures 30 mm (1.2 inches) in length. Intestines rotate. Facial features continue to develop.
eyelids are more developed. the external features of the ear begin to take their final shape.

Exercícios anteriores de maiêutica em (0), (1), (2), (*), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10) e (11)
(*) O n.º 3 abortou.

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