

O meu amigo Zé, um convicto detractor do império do mal, de onde acabou de regressar, enviou-me (e a mais 319 outros seus amigos) uma rajada de 4-quatro-4 mensagens. Por ordem de chegada diziam o seguinte:

31 de Janeiro de 2005 10:46
Sabia que...
a última edição do grande dicionário Webster de língua inglesa, com 350.000 entradas e 2.264 páginas a 3 colunas, custa ... 3 contos de reis?

31 de Janeiro de 2005 10:48
Sabia que ...
o acesso ilimitado á internet custa, nos USA ... 1.500 paus?

31 de Janeiro de 2005 10:53
Sabia que...
com um cartão de 5 dólares que se compra em qualquer lado, pode falar para todo mundo de um posto telefónico qualquer por uma eternidade de tempo?

31 de Janeiro de 2005 10:58
Sabia que . ..
Com as liberdades que têm, o ensino que têm, o acesso à informação que têm, os media que têm, ... AQUELES BANDALHOS FORAM REELEGER O G. W. BUSH POR MAIS QUATRO ANOS ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fiquei sem respiração. Assim que recuperei enviei-lhe esta resposta (não exactamente esta, mas uma outra quase igual com mais vernáculo):

Foi por causa das liberdades, do ensino e do acesso à informação que têm, E QUE NÃO QUEREM PERDER PARA OS TERRORISTAS, OS MARICAS, OS GAJOS DO POLITICAMENTE CORRECTO, OS HERDEIROS DOS COLABORACIONISTAS, ETC. (UM ETC. MUITO GRANDE), que os bandalhos preferiram, ao bem-pensante do ketchup, o disléxico George W. que disse há uma semana ao Washington Post o seguinte [omiti da lista das mordomias os media ianques porque, como qualquer observador neutro já terá reparado estão infestados de esquerdalhada e não são, por isso, um bom exemplo]:
« Okay, let me start off a little bit by answering some questions. I'm looking forward to the inauguration. I'm going to be able to absorb a lot more of the sights, sounds, the drama this time. I think last time I was in awe of the whole moment. Having done it once, if experience is any judge -- the convention experience is any judge about this, I'm really looking forward to kind of being as much a participant and observer at the same time -- a much more heady observer.
I'm excited about the second term. I worked hard to get there, and campaigned on some specific issues that I'm looking forward to working with the Congress on. Priorities for the second term: of course, win the war on terror, spread freedom and democracy. And at home, reform systems that will say that we have recognized we've got problems for future generations that we intend to deal with. One is Social Security, one is the tax system. As well, I'm mindful of the twin deficits we face. The fiscal deficit -- we will address the fiscal deficit in two ways: one, by submitting a budget that will continue to keep the pledge of cutting the deficit in half by five years, and secondly, addressing some of the unfunded liabilities inherent in the fiscal budget.
In terms of the current account deficit, the best way to deal with that is to, one, ensure that currencies around the world are market driven, not controlled by state, and secondly, at home, is to make America an attractive place for people to take risk, a place to invest. That's one of the reasons why I've started talking about legal reform early. One way to make sure America is the best place in the world to do business and the best place in the world to attract capital, therefore, is to reform our legal system.
I'm taking on three issues: asbestos reform, class action and medical liability reform. Today I'm going to be talking about education. We need an energy bill. I'm looking forward to working with the Congress to get an energy bill. We'll continue to be a free trade administration. So those are issues I'm looking forward to working with Congress on, as well. And I'm excited about it -- you can clearly see where I think the country needs to go. I told that to the people when I was running, and I'm looking forward to leading the Congress.»
Quantas páginas A4 os prolixos engenheiros Sócrates/Guterres, doutores Calimero e Sampaio, precisariam para dizer vacuidades acerca de um só destes temas que o disléxico tratou em quatro parágrafos?

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