
Body language speaks louder than verbal language (2)

On one side, a brave man with a bounty on his head, in a time when cowardice disguises itself as
realpolitik, tries to obtain help for his country invaded by the armies of a dictator, on the other side,
de facto associates of the dictator try to do business and take advantage of the situation while
seeking to humiliate the man and his country.

«We gave you - through this stupid president - $350bn,» Trump said, a reference to Biden. A few days earlier he had accused Ukraine of starting the war and Zelensky of being an unelected dictator. According with US Departement of Defense the real number is $183bn. According to Kiel Institute the US aid was $120bn and EU's was €139bn. An estimated €160bn worth of equipment came from the US, a nice boost to the US defense industry.

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