
How the Radical Left Conquered Almost Everything for a Time (VIII)

(Continued from IIIIII, IVVVI and  VII)
More examples picked up from those described by Christopher Rufo of neo-Marxism in institutions controlled by the clique of believers.

«Over the past decade the entire range of federal agencies, from the Environmental Protection Agency to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has adopted critical race theory as an in-house ideology. In quick succession, these department created new programming that condemned the United States as “systematically racist”, interrogated employees for their “whiteness” and demanded loyalty to government by “anti-racism”, or, more accurately, government by the principles of critical race theory.  (…) 
Even federal defense contractors have submitted to the new ideology. 
Lockheed Martin, the nation's largest defense firm, sent white male executives on a mission to deconstruct their "white male privilege." The instructors told the men that "white male culture" and the values of "rugged individualism," "hard work," and "striving towards success" were "devastating" to minorities.

Raytheon, the second-largest defense firm, followed suit. The company launched an "anti-racism" program, teaching the principles of "intersectionality" and instructing employees to recognize "interlocking systems of oppression" and "break down power into privilege and marginalization." Whites, according to Raytheon's diversity consultant, "have the privilege of individuality" and must silence themselves in front of minorities. Finally, following the logic of critical race theory to its conclusion, the firm told employees to reject the principle of equality outright. The colorblind standard of "equal treatment and access to opportunities" is not enough; the company must instead strive for "equity," which "focuses on the equality of the outcome. "»

(To be continued)

1 comentário:

  1. «The instructors told the men that "white male culture" and the values of "rugged individualism," "hard work," and "striving towards success" were "devastating" to minorities.»

    Ou seja, os valores que levam uma organização ao sucesso devem ser descartados em nome do "respeitinho" pela "minorias"!

    Eu, se estivesse à frente da Lockheed Martin, despediria imediatamente todos aqueles que estivessem envolvidos nesta fantochada. O primeiro objectivo de uma organização deve ser a obtenção de lucro. E o lucro jamais pode ser obtido sem "hard work" e sem "striving towards success".

    A questão crucial, portanto, é sabermos porque é que a Administração da Lockheed Martin não só não despediu ninguém, como até incentivou esta farsa... o Rufo chega a avançar alguma explicação?
