
Is Trumpism letting Trump down? Not despite Trump's intervention, but because of it with a huge help from his friend Kevin

Post scriptum to the post of the 5th:

To be fair to Mr. Trump, I should add that the turmoil in the election of the leader of the House of Representatives is not due to him alone. Kevin McCarthy himself helped immensely. Quoting Idrees Kahloon, Washington bureau chief of the Economist:

«Mr McCarthy, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, has spent the better part of a decade trying to be speaker. He has been through so many personal reinventions that many of his colleagues are unsure of where he stands. When loyalty to Donald Trump required ostracising Liz Cheney, a former top lieutenant, he did so without remorse. 

After the Republicans eked out a narrow majority in the midterms, Mr McCarthy seemed within reach of his dream. But a band of 20 dissidents—who seem motivated as much by their lack of respect for him as by any qualms of substance—banded together over the course of 11 ballots to deny Mr McCarthy the vote that majority leaders can usually expect from their own side. By the 13th, 15 of the holdouts had relented and voted for him. But it has been a humiliating display, stretching, at the time of writing, three days without any resolution in sight.»

Breiking news

«McCarthy elected House speaker in rowdy post-midnight vote

Republican Kevin McCarthy was elected House speaker on a historic post-midnight 15th ballot early Saturday, overcoming holdouts from his own ranks and floor tensions that boiled over after a chaotic week that tested the new GOP majority’s ability to govern.»

2 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. Esta posta não faz nenhum sentido. Como é que o "trumpism is letting Trump down" se, no final, o McCarthy foi obrigado a ceder aos apoiantes do Trump para conseguir ser eleito? Será que o (Im)Pertinente não sabe que os (agora ex-)opositores de McCarthy são descritos como "de extrema-direita"?

    Aliás, mesmo que o McCarthy fosse trumpista, como é o que o Trump teria perdido com uma vitória do seu suspoto aliado??? Nada disto faz sentido.


    P.S. E sobre os documentos secretos apanhados em posse do Bidé, nada?

