
NÓS VISTOS POR ELES: O Portugal dos Pequeninos visto de Houston

«Portugal continues to puzzle me. The level of nonsense does not seem to wind down. And despite so many saying that they are above it all, come Election Day, the usual suspects will get elected because either people don’t vote or, the ones that do, vote for mediocrity. Mediocrity rimes with poverty and the country is well on its way to become even more impoverished than what it already is. 

Of course, this comes at a time in which the rest of Europe is also poorer, so there will be less money to waste on the folly of helping those who refuse to help themselves. Maybe Portugal will threaten to leave the EU if they don’t pay up, kind of like when Trump threatens to leave the UN, the WHO, etc. Political tantrums usually go a long way.»

Rita Carreira, A Destreza das Dúvidas

A mediocridade das elites e a chulice socialista à Óropa vêem-se melhor a 8 mil km de distância do que dentro do Portugal dos Pequeninos.

1 comentário:

  1. «Maybe Portugal will threaten to leave the EU if they don’t pay up»

    LOL... esta frase ilustra perfeitamente o que a Ritinha sabe acerca de Portugal: nada!
