
ESTADO DE SÍTIO: Depende do inquilino do Eliseu - se for Sarkozy chama-se exclusion, se for Hollande chama-se fermeté

«In 2010 the public targeting of Roma camps by Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president, ran into virulent opposition from the left. However, as a Socialist government embarks on the same course, the reaction is more muted. Some are even arguing that it is all different now, citing the less racially incendiary rhetoric of Mr Hollande and Mr Valls and the abolition of quotas for repatriation. But the policy is essentially the same. And those on the left are surprisingly quiescent. Christiane Taubira, justice minister and a member of the Radical Party of the Left (PRG), demurred when asked to compare Mr Valls’s policies to Mr Sarkozy’s

«Liberté, égalité, fermeté?», Economist, Aug 18th 2012

1 comentário:

  1. Espantoso que inté oje não haja comentários! o HOJE é aos 14 de Setembro do Anno da Graça de 2012. E não há comentários porque até o mais lerdo gauchiste percebeu a nódoa.
    Abraço do eao
