
In the contest of mental decay Mr. Trump tenaciously pursues Sleepy Joe (2)

Continuation of (1)

I turn, once again, to Forbes' "Biden-Trump Gaffe Tracker" to inventory the evidence of Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump mental decline, aiding their devotees to identify this evidence in the object of their devotion, a difficulty insurmountable in the case of devotees of the second..

Here is some of the latest evidence.

Biden (May 14): He told Yahoo Finance inflation was “at 9% when I came in,” repeating a claim he made in a CNN interview earlier this month (inflation was at 1.4% year-over-year when Biden took office in January 2021, according to the Consumer Price Index).

Trump (May 11): He referred to former President Jimmy Carter as “Jimmy Connors,” chuckling as he caught the error during a campaign speech in New Jersey, clarifying that “Jimmy Carter had a bad reputation,” but “right now he is considered a totally brilliant president by comparison” to Biden.

Trump (May 11): In another odd reference, Trump told the crowd in New Jersey he had just eaten a hot dog, against advice he said Frank Sinatra once gave him to “never eat before you perform,” to which Trump said he responded “I’m not performing, I’m a politician,” but Sinatra died in 1998, before Trump’s entrance into politics.

Biden (May 9): The president said Candace Parker—a two-time WNBA Most Valuable Player and Olympic gold medalist who retired from the Aces after 16 seasons in the league—“will be considered one of the greatest all-time coaches” while honoring the Aces for their 2023 WNBA championship win at the White House, according to a transcript of his remarks.

Biden (April 16): In an interview with a local CBS affiliate in Birmingham, Ala., Biden said, “I made it clear to the Israelis—don’t move on Haifa”—likely referring to Rafah, the southern Gaza Strip city where millions of Palestinians have taken refuge and the U.S. has warned Israel not to carry out a potentially devastating invasion. Haifa is a major port city in northern Israel.»

Although I'm not sure if this is evidence of mental decline or just another nonsense, I add to the Forbes list Mr. Trump's idea to eliminate the income tax and replace it with massive tariffs on imports. An idea about which Brian Riedl, a conservative budget expert, wrote on X «If a 20yo interviewing for a House internship suggested replacing the income tax with a massive tariff, they’d be laughed out of the interview.» (apud The Atlantic Daily).

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  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. Típico: o Bidé e o Trump debateram ontem, mas o (Im)Pertinente, em vez de falar sobre o debate, preferiu fazer uma posta apalhaçada, que foi originalmente escrita por um autêntico palhaço.

    Esta parte, então, é do mais sintomático que pode haver:

    «If a 20yo interviewing for a House internship suggested replacing the income tax with a massive tariff, they’d be laughed out of the interview.»

    Tal como os alemães se riram de Trump quando ele os alertou para a necessidade de investirem mais na defesa europeia e no suicídio de estarem dependentes do gás natural russo?

    É que o palhaço da Forbes escreveu -citando outro, mas escreveu- que se ririam, mas não escreveu porquê. E isso diz tudo o que precisamos saber. Rir só por rir é o que os incompetentes e os acomodados fazem quando não têm melhor. Também houve quem se risse daqueles que avisaram, em 2007, que o mercado imobiliário dos EUA estava numa bolha de proporções épicas. No final, esses que se riram acabaram quase todos a chorar... as pessoas sérias não se riem, explicam porque não concordam e apontam alternativas.

    Infelizmente para o palhaço que escreve a "opinião" e para o (Im)Pertinente que a transcreveu, as pessoas que apoiam Trump sabem ler nas entrelinhas, e percebem que aqueles que riem de Trump não têm nenhuma visão para os EUA que não inclua ceder cada vez mais à China e importar imigrantes ad infinitum. Mais ou menos a mesma solução que o (Im)Pertinente parece querer para Portugal.
