
A brilliant speech by VP JD Vance delivered in the wrong place

I do not share JD Vance's political thinking, particularly his nativist nationalism, although I would subscribe to every line of his speech on democracy. So what's the problem? There are three problems.

One is that I am not sure of the sincerity of his democratic convictions when I see the government of which he is a part using democracy to propagate the ideas they defend and try to prevent the dissemination of ideas they disagree with, distort the American Constitution and try to control justice and the federal administration for the benefit of a clique in their party. Another is that some of those who applauded him most in Munich are trying to illegitimately control the democratic institutions of their countries. Third, his extraordinary speech was delivered in the wrong Conference.

1 comentário:

  1. «try to prevent the dissemination of ideas they disagree with»

    Isso nunca aconteceu. Retirar dinheiro do Estado a ONGs duvidosas não é o mesmo que censurar as pessoas que pertecem a essas ONGs. Censurar é despedir, multar ou mandar para a prisão por palavras. Nem Vance, nem Trump fizeram isso.
