
Recommended reading to understand how it was possible for American academia to become infested with people like Claudine Gay and her kind

Claudine Gay on Harvard’s campus in December 2023. (Andrew Lichtenstein via Getty Images)

«Why did Claudine Gay step down yesterday as president of Harvard? In a letter announcing the bombshell decision, Gay wrote that it was in “the best interests of Harvard for me to resign so that our community can navigate this moment of extraordinary challenge with a focus on the institution rather than any individual.”

She also blamed racism: “It has been distressing to have doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate and to upholding scholarly rigor—two bedrock values that are fundamental to who I am—and frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus,” Gay wrote in her email Tuesday.

Missing from Gay’s note was some important. . . context. 

In particular, there was no mention of the twin scandals that have plagued Gay and captured the attention of the country in recent weeks. The first: her handling of antisemitism and free expression on Harvard’s campus since October 7, including her appalling appearance before Congress in December. 

The second: the ever-growing list of plagiarism allegations against Gay. On Monday night, the dogged journalists over at The Washington Free Beacon reported six more charges of plagiarism. That brought the number of allegations against Gay close to 50 and implicated half of her published works in the scandal. The next day, Gay was gone, making her the shortest-serving president in Harvard’s history: the Kevin McCarthy of higher ed. »

(From the Free Press newsletter)

In “the best interests of Harvard"? "Racism"? From the beginning until resignation, the same lack of intellectual honesty.

Recommended reading (the reasons);

1 comentário:

  1. A "discriminação positiva" e os seus mirambolantes resultados..
    Se, alem de negra, for gaga (intermitentemente...) assemelha-se à "nossa2 doméstica Joacine...
    Parafraseando, "Once upon a time, there was America"
