
Dúvidas (367) – Will Brexit happen? (XXIV) - Still a perfect example of Merton's laws

Other doubts about the consummation of Brexit (mostly in Portuguese).


«During the Brexit campaign, much fuss was made of the news that immigration had hit 323,000 a year, making a mockery of David Cameron’s promise to reduce it to the ‘tens of thousands’. Brexiteers and Remainers alike assumed the whole point of leaving the EU and ending ‘free movement’ was to reduce arrivals. The consensus was that about 130,000 a year was right. We now take that amount of people roughly every ten weeks.» (Spectator)

Once again, the truth and the facts end up exposing the lies, unfortunately at a high cost. One after another, the various lies and distortions were revealed and the result of the "liberation" of the United Kingdom from the European yoke is so far: increasing immigration, massive deficits, a sharply increasing public debt and... the lowest forecasted growth in the next two years, from all OECD countries.

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