
Mr. Trump's patriotism is the inverse of Mr. Charles E. Willson's and his General Motors is himself

«COLLINS: So, just to be clear, Mr. President, you think the U.S. should default if the White House does not agree to the spending cuts Republicans are demanding?

TRUMP: Well, you might as well do it now because you’ll do it later, because we have –

TRUMP: Well, you might as well do it now because you’ll do it later. Because we have to save this country. Our country is dying. Our country is being destroyed by stupid people, by very stupid people.

COLLINS: You once said that using the – that using the debt ceiling as a negotiating wedge just could not happen. You – you said that when you were in the Oval Office.

TRUMP: Sure, that’s when I was president.

COLLINS: So why is it different now that you’re out of office?

TRUMP: Because now I’m not president.»

(Transcript of CNN’s town hall with former President Donald Trump)

Charles E. Willson, former chairman of General Motors during the 1953 Senate hearings to confirm his nomination for Eisenhower's Secretary of Defense, asked about potential conflicts of interest, said "What's good for the United States is good for General Motors». From then on, he was almost always quoted as saying the reverse "what's good for General Motors is good for the United States", probably closer to his thinking.

4 comentários:

  1. Só para que fique registado, Trump estava a ser irónico para a marioneta que o estava a entrevistar. Ahahaha!
    Entretanto, esta semana vieram a lume provas da corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro da família Biden. Passou despercebido, decerto.
    É fantástico como a propaganda de esquerda é eficiente. Conseguiram obter um reflexo pavloviano nas pessoas quando ouvem o nome de Trump.

  2. Vale a pena ler a transcrição da entrevista fornecida pela CNN.

  3. Vale bem mais a pena ver a entrevista em vídeo e constatar a forma como Trump humilhou a entrevistadora e conquistou a audiência.

    Esta parte que o (im)Pertinente transcreveu, por exemplo, foi seguida por risos e aplausos. Não é por acaso que os mé(r)dia 'tugas' (não confundir com portugueses) nem sequer mencionaram esta entrevista.

  4. O Trump é lixado.
    Até põe o Impertinente nervosinho...

    Mais um tirada de chapéu para o Afonso.
    Trump foi demolidor.
    Foi incrível.
    E o gajo tem para aí uns 80 anos...

