
Tsar Vlad's Russia is a gigantic Potemkine village (3)

Sequel to (1) and (2).

There are numerous reasons why the Russian troops' invasion of Ukraine is being a failure and one of them is the unreliability of Russian military equipment which is being lost (unusable or captured) in quantities four times higher than Ukrainian: totals documented at this date of 6,565 (of which 1,224 tanks) against 1,674 (of which 274 tanks).

And why does Russian equipment fail? Among the many answers to the question «Why is Russian warfare equipment failing so badly? Is this due to corruption, maintenance, and lack of investment?» on Quora the following one struck me as particularly interesting because being founded is yet another example of a gigantic Potemkine village that Putin's Russia continues to be:

«Because it's not their equipment that's failing. Identical equipment in Ukrainian hands works quite well.

Whenever Russian equipment is captured, Ukraine immediately tries to make good use of it. They usually do so quite quickly, although it is to be noted captured vehicles usually need extensive servicing, oil changes, cleaning of engine and so on.

You could chalk this up to maintenance issues and you wouldn't be wrong, but that answer is incomplete. The reason why Russians have maintenance issues is because their army is not actually intended to fight wars, but to serve the many propaganda purposes, a way to sell Russian military equipment abroad and a way for well-connected individuals to make money.

This is why their equipment is failing — Russians are trying to use their army in a way it should never be used at all, because it's not equipped, organized or trained for fighting. It can do other things quite well, but not fight wars, so it fails on many different things. Failures of equipment is just how this manifests.»

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