
Mr. Erdogan is dropping his friend Mr. Putin. If that means anything, it means that Mr. Erdogan does not believe in the success of the invasion of Ukraine... and therefore considers it unjustified

PSB: Should Russia be permitted to keep some of the territory it's taken from Ukraine since it invaded in February?

Erdogan: If a peace is going to be established in Ukraine, of course, the returning of the land that was invaded will become really important. This is what is expected. This is what is wanted.

PSB: Should Russia be allowed to keep Crimea?

Erdogan: Since 2014, we have been talking to my dear friend Putin about this, and this is what we have requested from him.

We asked him to return Crimea to its rightful owners. These are our descendants at the same time, the people who are living there. If you were to take this step forward, if you could leave us, you would also be relieving the Crimean Tatars and Ukraine as well. That's what we have always been saying.

PSB: Was this invasion justified by the Russians? Was it justified?

Erdogan: Well, no invasion can be justified. An invasion cannot be justified.

Excerpts from the interview of Mr. Erdogan to PBS' Judy Woodruff 

1 comentário:

  1. A posição do Erdogan, com eleições no próximo ano, não muda nada.
    A pobre população da Ucrânia está a ser massacrada apenas para favorecer a estratégia americana. Vendem mais esta aldrabice da vitória impossível dos ucranianos, para prolongar esta triste agonia.
    O que eles chamam de vitória, deveu-se à deslocação das tropas russas para sul, deixando uma guarnição reduzida, de cerca de dois mil homens. Os satélites americanos captaram e os Zelenskys foram avisados. Montaram apressadamente uma força que avançou com baixas entre os cinco e dez mil homens.
    Serve para usar como propaganda e permitir apoio para negociar com os CEO's das fábricas de armamento americanas.
    Uma tragédia coroada com a revelação que os líderes europeus são marionetes corruptas dos americanos e das Fundações Sorianas.
