
Duginism in a nutshell

«Aleksandr Dugin is part of a weird strain of Russian imperial hypernationalism that somehow manages to venerate Russian Orthodoxy, Stalin, the Nazis, and the occult all at the same time. You can read more here about the late-1980s trends in the U.S.S.R. that produced this vicious and deeply weird school of thought, but spare yourself the effort it would take to make sense of it all. Much of it is warmed-over Russian messianism and mystical gobbledygook, the product not only of 19th-century Russian grievances against Europe and Western Christianity but also of late-20th-century Soviet resentments against the “Atlantic” world led by the United States.

Underneath it all is the simple and brutal belief that Russia—specifically white, Christian Russia—is destined to rule Eurasia as the first step to contesting world domination with the decadent Americans and Europeans. Dugin’s ravings are as unreadable in Russian as they are in English, but the Russian General Staff assigns Dugin’s book as a required text, and understandably so. It is an almost perfectly Orwellian view of total and permanent war, a perfect ideology for a country afflicted by both a deep inferiority complex and a dark spiritual vacuum».

Tom Nichols, The Atlantic Daily

1 comentário:

  1. O sr Toino Nicolas é o "conservador" que apelou ao voto na sra Hilária.
    Não admira que a sua psicose o leve a concluir todas estas tolices.
    Colocar bombas no carro das filhas de um dos seus ódios de estimação, está justificado com umas linhas de verborreia.
    O A. Dugin pode ser ouvido na primeira pessoa, fala português e está no tubo.
    É uma inteligência superior, goste-se ou não.
