
Joe Biden quase a alcançar a popularidade de Donald Trump

Joe Biden’s state-of-the-union address fails to impress

«After a little more than one year in office, Mr Biden is in a slump. Setback has piled atop setback. After months of agonising negotiations, the signature legislative agenda of the administration—a gargantuan safety-net and climate-change spending package called Build Back Better—is in effect dead. High inflation, exacerbated by the large fiscal stimulus that Mr Biden signed, has wrecked his standing as an economic steward. Having promised to manage the pandemic better than his predecessor, Mr Biden has found himself at the mercy of covid-19 variants. And even his supposed core competence in foreign policy has looked in doubt since the chaotic withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan (though his handling of the crisis in Ukraine has so far been more adroit).»

1 comentário:

  1. E bastante significativo que um presidente como Biden, apoiado por 99% da imprensa, que manipula e mente a seu favor, não consiga popularidade.
    Trump, perseguido por toda essa matilha corrupta e pela Big Tech, com eternas comissões no Congresso perseguindo a família e os amigos, alvo de escutas na Trump Tower e hacks na Casa Branca, andaria pelos mesmos índices de aprovação entre boçais brainwashed by TV.
