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Tough job: the UN’s new boss

«António Guterres, a former Portuguese prime minister who has just taken over from Ban Ki-moon, has one of the hardest tasks on earth. First, he must persuade Donald Trump not to fulfil his most extravagant campaign promises, such as junking the UN-endorsed Iran nuclear deal, withdrawing from the (UN’s) climate-change agreement and backing Israeli settlements on the land the international body has earmarked for a Palestinian state. Tricky: Mr Trump has also expressed contempt for the UN itself. Bloody crises abound (in Congo, Libya and Yemen, to name but a few), so Mr Guterres, a former head of the UN refugee agency thought to be cannier than his lacklustre South Korean predecessor, will rapidly have to set out his priorities. Syria should come first. The new secretary-general will need to co-operate closely with Vladimir Putin, without giving the Russian leader carte blanche to trample on international law elsewhere.»

(The Economist Espresso desta manhã)

Depois de ter fugido do pântano no país onde era primeiro-ministro, cargo que estava a léguas de ser the hardest tasks on earth, permitam-me ter as maiores dúvidas.

1 comentário:

  1. Simples : o choninhas fará o que os amos lhe ordenarem.
    Sobre a criatura,
    Medina Carreira : " O problema do Eng.Guterres é a falta de carácter".
    VPV : " Um homem fraco,influenciável,indeciso e superficial".
    Resumindo, o homem de palha ideal para a função - daí o ter sido "eleito".
