
SERVIÇO PÚBLICO: O exército israelita ataca escolas, hospitais e mesquitas porque é aí que o Hamas armazena as suas armas

É indisputável que o terrorismo do Hamas não legitima todas as formas de intervenção da IDF e muito menos a ocupação dos territórios palestinos com colonatos. Como é indisputável o direito de Israel a defender-se com os meios proporcionais às ameaças. Para se avaliar a proporcionalidade desses meios é indispensável ver para além da cortina de manipulação que o Hamas fabrica e o jornalismo de causas instalado em todos os mídia divulga sob a forma de nevoeiro informativo. Por isso, vale a pena ler «Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals, mosques and schools» e não, não é no Wall Street Journal. É no Washington Post. Alguns excertos:

«The United Nations has found troves of rockets hidden in three of its schools since the conflict began. “We condemn the group or groups who endangered civilians by placing these munitions in our school,” Chris Gunness, spokesman for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, said in statement published Wednesday by the Times of Israel. “This is yet another flagrant violation of the neutrality of our premises. We call on all the warring parties to respect the inviolability of U.N. property.”

Earlier this month, the United Nations also found rockets piled inside one of its vacant schools — near other schools used to accommodate displaced people.

According to longtime Middle East analyst Matthew Levitt, Hamas has long planted weapons in areas inhabited by vulnerable residents. “It happens in schools,” he wrote in Middle East Quarterly. “Hamas has buried caches of arms and explosives under its own kindergarten playgrounds,” referencing a 2001 State Department report that said a Hamas leader was arrested after “additional explosives in a Gaza kindergarten” were discovered.

For years, Hamas has “planned carefully for a major Israeli invasion,” according to a Washington Institute for Near East Policy report. In addition to an elaborate tunnel system, there was the “integral use of civilians and civilian facilities as cover for its military activity; schools, mosques, hospitals, and civilian housing became weapons storage facilities, Hamas headquarters, and fighting positions … IDF imagery and combat intelligence revealed extensive use of civilian facilities.”»

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