
Mitos (167) – Se os bancários ganham muito, os seus reguladores ganham mais…

… nos States. (Fonte: «Guess Who Makes More Than Bankers: Their Regulators», Paul Kupiec no WSJ).

«The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average annual salary of a bank employee was $49,540 in 2012, not much higher than the average annual across all occupations, $45,790.

Yet one group in banking stands out as highly paid—federal bank regulators. Before the Dodd-Frank Act, the average employee of a federal bank regulatory agency received 2.3 times the average compensation of a private banker. By 2013 this ratio increased to more than 2.7—and in some cases considerably more.

The average compensation at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) exceeded $190,000 in 2012. The staff at the Federal Reserve is likely even better compensated, but the Fed refuses to release employee salaries.

You might think high-paying jobs at these agencies require special skills. Not so. At the OCC, secretaries make on average $79,182 per annum. Motor vehicle operators (the agency's limo drivers) at the FDIC earn $82,130. Human resources management trainees at the CFPB make $110,759 a year.

Averages tell only part of the story. In 2012, 68% of FDIC and CFPB staff—and 66% at the OCC—earned above $100,000 a year. Nearly 19% of the CFPB and OCC staff earn more than $180,000 a year. At the OCC, 10.5% of workers earn above $200,000 a year, at the FDIC 9.3%.

Fewer than 7% of employees in any of these regulatory agencies earned less than $50,000. In other words, 93% of the employees in these federal bank regulatory agencies earned more than the average banker's salary in 2012.»

Também por cá os salários dos reguladores são um múltiplo mais modesto dos salários dos regulados. O salário médio anual dos primeiros ronda os 42,3 mil euros (segundo o relatório do BdeP de 2012, as remunerações 1.682 empregados atingiram 71,1 milhões de euros), contra 27,1 mil dos empregados do sector «Actividades financeiras e de seguros» (dados de 2011 da Pordata), ou seja 1,6.

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