
Nem todos os obamas de Obama fazem felizes os obamófilos: episódio (69) – Cobra, disse ele

Barack Obama continua a desiludir os obamófilos. O último deles foi Oliver Stone, o realizador esquerdizante de alguns bons filmes e outros nem por isso. Quando discursava no clube dos correspondentes estrangeiros em Tóquio, disse Stone (lido aqui, via Insurgente):
«Obama is a snake … He’s a snake. And we have to turn on him. … The Boston Marathon, they were so busy tracking down potential protestors…that they missed the bombers. It’s never about terrorists, it always becomes about the way J. Edgar Hoover did it; he brought all the weight of government to bear against protestors. He didn’t like protestors. He thought they were left-wing communists. He never could find the proof, but by the time the Vietnam War came around, as you know, 500,000 people were on the list, and they were being eavesdropped on. And where are we now? Same place.»

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