
Lost in translation (165) - Edição especial de homenagem à Economist

Por ter publicado um «Glossary of new French doublespeak» (cujos termos, se não fosse vergonha, copiaríamos para o Glossário das Impertinências) numa peça com o nome de «Lost in translation» (se calhar poderíamos invocar direitos de autor a dividir com Sofia Coppola). Alguns termos:

Sécurisation de l’emploi (improving job security): phrase used to launch current labour-market negotiations, designed to introduce more flexibility (see banned words).

Flexibilité (flexibility): outlawed word prompting grim visions of unregulated Anglo-Saxon free-for-all (see Libéral).

Laissez-faire: iffy Anglo-Saxon phrase with no place in French (see Libéral).

Redressement des comptes publics (putting right the public finances): budget cuts and tax increases, never combined with austérité or rigueur (see banned words). Not to be confused with…

Minable (pathetic): departure of French national who considers taxes too high (see Depardieu, G).

Social-libéral (social liberal): suspicious form of pseudo-Socialist who embraces free-marketry.

Libéral (liberal): rare species with dodgy Anglo-Saxon motives, set on undermining French way of life (don’t see Frédéric Bastiat).

Ultra-libéral (ultra-liberal): beyond the pale, eg, The Economist.

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