
SERVIÇO PÚBLICO: O berloquismo grego

«The problem in Greece is more profound than this. While austerity measures did play a part in voter discontent, the most important factor in the outcome of the elections was opposition to any talk of structural reform of the Greek economy.

The parties that gained in the elections—especially the radical-left Syriza, which ended in second place—do not simply oppose austerity measures. What Syriza opposes is any kind structural reform of the economy that will boost competitiveness. The party has, for example, consistently opposed teachers' evaluations or other overhauls to the ailing education system. It has vehemently opposed reducing state bureaucracy or reforming the inflexible Greek labor market.
At the same time, Syriza—which began negotiations yesterday to lead the next government—has remained silent on the need to combat the widespread graft and corruption that characterizes the Greek civil service. Its only prescription for Greece's economic problem is that the country should refuse to pay its debt, expropriate the rich and staff the bloated public sector with even more people. Its leader, Alexis Tsipras, has suggested hiring 150,000 more people in the civil service as a way of reducing Greek unemployment

Excerto de «What the Greek Left Wants», TAKIS MICHAS no WSJ

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