Notícia do Mail Online:
«Mark Duggan, 29, was in a car being followed by police during a covert operation on Thursday. But Duggan, a known offender from London’s notorious Broadwater Farm Estate, became aware that he was being followed and opened fire on the officers. He shot the officer from Scotland Yard’s elite firearms squad CO19 in the side of his chest with a handgun.»
Notícia do Público:
«Tudo começou ontem à noite depois de um protesto de mais uma centena de habitantes que pediam “justiça” pela morte de Mark Duggan, pai de quatro crianças, abatido na quinta-feira durante uma operação policial. Duggan morreu no táxi onde seguia na sequência de uma troca de tiros quando um polícia tentou fazer uma detenção relacionada com crime violento. O facto de ser uma pessoa popular e considerada não violenta gerou indignação entre a população local.»
Notícia do Telegraph:
«Mark Duggan, the man whose death sparked the beginning of riots across Britain, was the nephew of a renowned gangland criminal with a history of violence. Duggan's late uncle has been revealed as Desmond “Dessie” Noonan, whose feared crime family ran Manchester's underworld for 20 years.
The link emerged yesterday as police sources said the officer who opened fire on Duggan had “an honest-held belief that he was in imminent danger of him and his colleagues being shot”.»
known offender, nephew of a renowned gangland criminal with a history of violence = pai de quatro crianças, uma pessoa popular e não violenta
(the known offender) shot the officer with a handgun = sequência de uma troca de tiros
[Via perspectivas]
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