
Nem todos os obamas de Obama fazem felizes os obamófilos: episódio (41) num oceano de retórica, um deserto de resultados

Mr. Obama's inexplicable injunction Friday that "the time for talk is over" appears, in other words, to have produced an agreement to continue talking. The previous 12 days of frantic sound and pointless fury showed that there isn't anything approaching an international consensus on carbon control. What Copenhagen offered instead was a lesson in limits for a White House partial to symbolic gestures and routinely disappointed by reality.

Copenhagen also got hung up on whether countries (especially China) will be "transparent" about whether they are meeting their anticarbon commitments. The Obama Administration claims to be satisfied with the verification pact it struck with China, but China successfully blocked Western attempts to include international monitors of any future emissions targets.

[Copenhagen's Lesson in Limits]

Entretanto o índice de aprovação confirma os piores resultados históricos para um presidente americano no final do primeiro ano e não é pela realização de medidas impopulares mas indispensáveis.

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